Contact Us

Phone: (301)-662-1819
Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm


What Do You Believe
We’re here to spread the Good News of Jesus.
What Are Your Services Like?
Our services vary in musical style, from classic hymns of the Christian faith [8:30 am Traditional], to contemporary music [11:00 am Contemporary]. Preaching is directly from the Bible and is intended to challenge and equip us to face the challenges we all face in life. Our service styles may vary, but our focus is on substance and truth rather than style and performance.
What Should I Wear?
You can wear whatever you like…anything from skirts and dresses to jeans and shirts, casual works just fine. Dress up or dress down. We’re just glad you’re here.
Are There Classes For My Children?
At FCOB we value families and believe it our responsibility to provide Biblical teaching, fellowship, and encouragement for all ages. This includes your infants, children, and youth.

When you visit for the first time, please come to the Sanctuary entrance and visit FCOBConnect where you and your children will be guided to children’s ministry locations.
What Do You Have For My Kids?
Currently, we are not offering a separate worship experience for children due to the pandemic, but we do offer virtual Sunday School and Christian Education content online.
What Platform Are You Streaming To?
We stream to our Facebook, YouTube page and our website.

Get In Touch

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.


Sunday Mornings

8:30am - Traditional
11:00am - Contemporary

