young Adults

Adulting can be hard sometimes!  You're not a kid anymore but you're not a full adult either, or maybe you're just starting out...this is when you need a family to help you get through the tough times.  
The FCOB YA ministry is there for you.  We can do life together, have a good time, and have some good conversations about where you're going and where He is leading you.

Building Each Other Up in Christ


FUSE Bible Study

Thursdays at 7:30 pm we meet in the lower level multi-purpose room for fellowship and study.

FUSE Monthly Fellowship

We always have something fun planned for the FUSE group. Each month we meet to grow together through an exciting activity. Whether that is a holiday party, or going out bowling. If you are interested in joining us email


LifeGroups are how we do life together. Your relationship with other Christ-followers matters to us. We want to help facilitate a place where people can grow together in the word, and together in Christ. 

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.