Embrace the Mission
Oct. 29th-Nov. 12th

We all know that the word stewardship, for many, means the church asking for more money.  Yes, we will be doing that.  But stewardship is much more in the eyes of God.  It is realizing that every aspect of our lives in Jesus Christ is given in service for the Kingdom of God:  time, talent, and treasure.  Jesus’ parable recorded in Matthew 25:14-30 is one of many scriptural passages that emphasizes the investment we can make toward that end.

October 29, November 5 and 12 are the Sundays spanning this emphasis.  Stewardship will be emphasized in the preaching schedule.  We will also be sharing mini teachings on various aspects of stewardship as well as video testimonies from people on what stewardship has meant in their lives.  All of this is being planned so that we may be energized to freely volunteer our talents and God-given gifts, and to generously give our monetary resources for Kingdom building.

It is our privilege to share what God has given us, to make ourselves and our God-given talents, time, and treasure for Kingdom good.  
As wise stewards, we can embrace our mission to LOVE God and others, PROCLAIM the Good News, and REACH lost souls for God’s glory.
We invite you to be in prayer about this emphasis and what it means for each of you and our church family.

Click on the card to print.  Completed Commitment Cards may be placed in the Offering Box.  You may also fill out the electronic form below.

Embrace the Mission Electronic Pledge Card

In response to God's abundant love, I plan to step up my giving in the following way(s).  Please check all that apply.